
Janet offers Remote Full Body Reiki Sessions and Remote Integrated Therapeutic Alignment (ITA) sessions.
For anyone not familiar with ITA, it is a very powerful energy medicine therapy and is an ideal modality to employ when you are ready for a mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual balancing and/or shift. 

Format for Remote ITA:   

a. We will schedule an appointment for a time/date that you are assured to have an hour to yourself. It is important for you to be in a comfortable, interruption free space.

b. At the time of scheduling, we will either talk (or text) about what you are working on/with for about 5 minutes. The issues you could be working with can be anything ...stress reduction, energy realignment, physical illness, or any array of mental, emotional, or spiritual issues.

c. You will lie in your chosen space at the time we agree upon. I will text when I am about to begin the session, and again when I have completed it.

d. At the end of the session, I encourage you to drift in the energy for as long as you like. Upon returning, it would be great if you journal or write down what came up during the session. Writing down thoughts often creates more awarenesses to emerge.

e. We will have a short follow-up to the session - at your convenience. I may be able to offer some energy practices you can work with based on what came up for you.

Remote Readings with James: Readings are based on what the client is going through at the time of the reading. Then a spread is created. This layout serves as a portal into the clients energy field and provides James with a template for identifying hidden clues that can help clients "connect the dots" about difficult challenges they are facing. Since the client selects their own cards, the layout is a direct enrgetic reflection of the blocks they have been unable, or unwilling to uncover.

James provides a guided interpretation of the Reading and generates a clear picture of the client's present situation, with suggestions about how to move through the obstacles that have stand in the way of growth and change.

The emphasis of the Reading is not on prophecy or divination. Instead, each Reading focuses on the "here and now" and encourages the client to embrace their potential for transformation and empowerment to shape their future by accepting the need for change.

With over 30 years of experience offering Readings, James is able to create a safe space for clients to fully immerse themselves in the energy of the Reading experience. He is an empath who is a  compassionate and gifted intuitive channel. 

With a no-nonsense commitment to truth, James brings humor and wisdom to the deep and introspective realms of personal growth.